Wednesday, August 12, 2015

university of regina

School of Regina Profile 
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Dr. William Riddell Center and College West Residence 

Dr. William Riddell Center (right) and College West Residence (left) on guideline grounds. Photo: U of R Photography Dept. 

The University of Regina's guideline grounds and striking one of a kind College Avenue grounds, covering 930 segments of area, give a charming study and working environment for our understudies, staff and staff. 

The University is home to 10 assets and 25 academic workplaces which have set up reputations for awesomeness and imaginative ventures provoking bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees. In the Fall 2014, a total of 13,902 full-time and low upkeep student and graduate understudies chose at the University, including our three united schools: Campion College, First Nations University of Canada, and Luther College.The University uses, together with the united colleges, give or take 2,500 people. As well, 970 full-time occupations in distinctive relationship in Saskatchewan, and another 570 outside the range, result from spending by the University, its understudies and visitors. Both the principal grounds and College Avenue grounds are arranged in Wascana Center, one of the greatest urban stops in North America and the first in Canada to be made by a tri-level government/guideline affiliation. In the 2013-14 money related year the University's working utilizations were $183 million. The University furthermore got very nearly $18 million in investigation financing. Numbering capital and other spending, absolute utilizations were $241 million. 

History of the University of Regina 

We have a happy history of enormity in teaching, investigation and consistent obligation to our gathering. More than one hundred years of wonderfulness in guideline has made a school given to having any sort of impact.The University of Regina has its sets up in Regina College, a bit private optional school developed by the Methodist church in 1911. It created in size and significance transforming into a grounds of the University of Saskatchewan and inevitably a self-governing degree giving school, the University of Regina, in 1974.School of Regina graduated class - numbering more than 64,000 - add to and develop our overall population in Saskatchewan and in Canada, and are our emissaries to the world. Our history, our accomplishments, our advancement as a school stem from our devotion to chipping in for the advantage of our gathering, from adjacent to around the world.Key Plan 

The University of Regina is a gathering focused on making more conspicuous open entryway through data and action. Our 2009-14 key course of action, mâmawohkamâtowin: Our Work, Our People, Our Communities, is a bare essential enunciation of that devotion. The Cree word "mâmawohkamâtowin" means coordinating towards standard goals. It portrays the commitment we clutch as we step by step start fulfilling our vision as:"... an enticing, understudy focused association that unites significant set up qualities with imaginative considering, classroom theory with genuine practice, and overall considerations with nearby needs. We look to be one of Canada's best comprehensive universities." On November 4, 2014, the Board of Governors supported the 2015-2020 Strategic Plan. Perused about the new game plan on the Strategic Plan site.Place for Kinesiology, Health and Sport .Place for Kinesiology, Health and Sport at the University. Photo: U of R Photography Dept. 

Our Programs 

The University offers particular activities in different zones including reporting, social work, media era and studies, actuarial science, petroleum planning, expressive expressions, programming structures, preparing, police studies, wellbeing studies, open course of action, business association, and various others. We are satisfied that our student Petroleum Systems Engineering Program is one of the greatest in North America.In the fall 2011, the University began enduring understudies into the Saskatchewan Collaborative Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program. This task is offered synergistically by workforce from the University of Regina and the Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science and Technology (SIAST). In September 2014, the Collaborative Nurse Practitioner Program (CNPP), an online master's framework, was moved. 

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School programs – like the nursing task – have created in view of the needs of the zone; the balance of award, investigation and open organization is attracting understudies and worldwide thought. We are happy that we were the first Canadian school to offer a Bachelor of Arts in Police Studies. The undertaking has realized imperative relationship with police advantages in the region and past. 

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We are in like manner satisfied with the significance we have developed in the segregating domain of experiential learning. Our own was the first school in Western Canada to offer a co-specialists direction framework and our graduates leave our grounds organized to succeed on the planet. The Co-specialists Education & Internships Program is open in expressions, business association, building and science (programming designing, physical science, science and natural science, and math and experiences including actuarial science provisional positions). Despite our ordinary co-operators programs we offer a wide arrangement of brief position opportunities. The sureness we feel in our understudies and their success is conveyed through the UR Guarantee Program. This offering outfits understudies with access to separating academic, activity and organization opportunities all through their student study. At the point when an understudy successfully completes the UR Guarantee Program, s/he should have what it takes and data critical to start his or her business within six months of graduation. In case the understudy is not productive, the University will pay for one year's advocated paying little respect to (30 credits) of additional student instructive cost and course charges. Diverse representations of undertaking headway and extraordinariness include: 

The Humanities Research Institute, which gives a catalyst to beneficial workshops, locations and social events.The Center on Aging and Health, the primary gerontology investigation center in the locale. The Bachelor of Health Studies Program, which underlines an interdisciplinary appreciation of wellbeing mindfulness, drawing on both the social and trademark sciences. The venture is unprecedented in its complement on cognizance the wellbeing needs of Indigenous social orders.The Kenneth Levene Graduate School of Business, a point of convergence of splendor in graduate business direction within the Faculty of Business Administration.The Johnson-Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy, which gives a foundation of speculation, practice and investigation to get prepared understudies for occupations with no attempt at being subtle organization, open course of action examination or the non-advantage and private portions. 

The Institut français, which is centered around the master, semantic and social progression of la francophonie by offering access to post-helper courses, tasks and organizations in French. It also consolidates a point of convergence of investigation that is national in augmentation and affirmation. 
North & South Residences .North and South Residences. Photo: U of R Photography Dep.Joined Colleges the University of Regina works almost with its three consolidated colleges offering awesomeness and contrasting qualities in informational experiences: As a matter of first importance Nations University of Canada 
The University of Regina saw the basic need to propel First Nations research and allow and extend livelihood open entryways for Aboriginal people. That devotion provoked the generation of the Saskatchewan Indian Federated College (SIFC) in 1976. In 2005, SIFC got the chance to be known as the First Nations University of Canada, a self-rulingly spoke to post-helper association, united with the University of Regina to fulfill a fantasy of making more conspicuous open entryway for Canada's Aboriginal people to surpass desires and flourish in today's existence.Campion College A Catholic, Jesuit stylish sciences school, Campion College gives a phenomenal school experience depicted by an in number sentiment gathering and focus on individual sponsorship. Luther College .Luther College is a school within a school. Its middle is on indicating and on being understudy centered. Luther College demonstrates a blend of courses within the assets of Arts, Fine Arts and Science. Understudies may moreover begin a couple pre-master tasks through Luther. Coordinating With Other Universities 

Over the span of the latest three decades the University has made critical and persisting relationship with unmistakable schools in China furthermore trusted relationship with operators of the People's National Congress. In 2011, we praised those associations and the differing understanding and affiliations which have occurred. Our worldwide accomplish continues widening outwards with positive results.Imaginative Research Our Strategic Research Plan (87 KB) PDF image will control our examination and quick endeavors through 2015. The game plan recognizes three imprint points and running as an inseparable unit with sub-subjects of displayed and oversaw grandness, to be particular: Pragmatic headway (essentialness and basic resources; environment) Human change (wellbeing; human value, security and security; expressions; society and legacy)Learning creation and disclosure (information and correspondence; unadulterated revelation based investigation; gathering based examination). 

Our commitment to revelation and opportunity widens past our grounds besides believes that its significance in examination endeavored through gathering and widespread associations: 
The University of Regina

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